At the Crossroads: Surveillance State or Freedom?

When I went to OHM2013 last week, it was great to see such increased political activism from the hackers and geeks at the festival. I truly believe we are currently at a very important crossroads: either let governments the world over get away with crimes against the people’s interests, with programs like PRISM, ECHELON, TEMPORA… Continue reading At the Crossroads: Surveillance State or Freedom?

My Privacy by Design Talk at OHM 2013

Last week I’ve given a talk about privacy by design as it relates to websites at Observe, Hack, Make (OHM) 2013, a quadrennial geekfest and hacker/maker event held in the Netherlands. It’s one of the biggest hacker festivals out there, with 3,000 people that have descended on the festival grounds, and it’s great fun and… Continue reading My Privacy by Design Talk at OHM 2013

Ubiquitous Tracking by Big Mega Corporations and What We Can Do About It

Nowadays, if you surf the web like any normal person, chances are your movements on the internet will be tracked. There are a lot of companies tracking you and building detailed profiles about your behaviour on the internet. With all the news about the revelations of Edward Snowden about the mass surveillance going on by… Continue reading Ubiquitous Tracking by Big Mega Corporations and What We Can Do About It